Sunday, July 22, 2012

I Did It!

Last summer I was very disappointed when I was told of my two "significant" stress fractures. I thought running 26.2 on 10-10-10 was the ultimate goal, God had a different plan. I was derailed but determined to still fulfill my dream. My goal is to run one marathon in the place I was born and raised in, Chicago. I also missed the sign up date and had no choice but to run for a charity. When you think about it how determined was I if I never knew the date registration opened?

Well 2011 is a new year and I am starting off on the right foot, I just completed my online registration form for October 9, 2011. I feel this is my year. It will be grueling, physically challenging and the craziest thing I have ever done but I can't wait.

Last Saturday I ran on the treadmill for 45 minutes and I was so at home. I prefer running outside but for my first run of the year it was amazing. My life is about focusing on my obligation to others, my choice, running is my "me time", my time alone with my thoughts and with God. If I am not running regularly I feel distant from Him.

The biggest news is that I left the YMCA after 6 years. I loved it but it was no longer the place I could train without anxiety. The indoor track was great but the rules were never enforced, I was forced to confront teens, kids, old people who would not comply by blocking my path. The babysitting room was closed from 1pm-4pm, prime time for me to train. The main reason I left was because the Young Mens Christian Association has a new image and name, it is just The Y. Since they dropped the Christian I dropped them. Next task is to find another gym. I fell short of my goal to constantly post during my training, I trained for the half with very few posts. I will write after each workout, no matter how short.

Too Fat For Downtown Naperville

In 2011 I ran my first marathon and I am currently training for my second Chicago marathon. After I ran 12 miles with my running club I felt good but there was chaffing under my arm from the seams of my tank; I had to run the last mile with my arms out away from the seams.

I started running in 2009 after many attempts to workout this was finally my passion. When I decided to invest in running gear I went to discount retailers. I am cheap, so I figured that all running stuff was the same, I bought Nike+ shoes but everything else was non-named brand.
The chaffing was so painful I decided to look at purchasing tanks that were designed for running. I went to Lululemon in downtown Naperville, a very nice young woman explained how their clothing is designed to avoid chaffing. There were tons of pretty colors and striking patterns. The sizes ranged from 2-10 on the racks and the prices were beyond what I imagined. When I got home I went on their website and leaned the they sell size 12 which is their extra large. All my Target/Walmart, Nike and Addidas stuff is XL, I was all set. The tanks were priced $39-$68, yikes, that's like 3 Target tops.

I decided to bite the bullet and spend the money on a real running tank. When I entered the store I was greeted by a salesperson. I headed to the tank section in search of size 12's. There were 3 extra larges and none were the style I really wanted, one black, one navy and one neon yellow. I stood there for at least 8-10 minutes looking at tanks and bras. A young girl about 18 also started looking at the tanks. A young male salesperson came out of nowhere and said, "How are you?", she replied, "Great.". He followed up by asking if she was just hanging out, she said she was from New Mexico. She was less than 3 feet from me and he never acknowledged me. I grabbed the yellow tank and a bra to try on. I heard him make another comment to the girl, not a word to me.

The dressing room was a nightmare, the bra required you to be a contortionist and it was smaller than the same size bras at other stores. The tank was tighter than I prefer. There I was in this trendy store with the hip sales staff playing music that I have never heard then I got angry. I was too old and fat for this store. I left without making a purchase.

Across the street from Lululemon is the Naperville Running Company, I was determined to buy an over-priced tank. I was greeted went to the tanks and found exactly 3 in my size. It must be a zoning thing to limit fat people in the store. The least ugliest was on the clearance section, I bought it. The guy asked if I would like a small bag, I was fine with that. He pulled out a small brown lunch bag with their logo. I tried it on when I got home, it did not fit. Funny thing when I went to return the tiny tank a few days later the salesgirl was so polite and credited my card but told me that normally clearance items were not returnable, my fault I did not see the sign. That was God, imagine if I were forced to keep the tiny tank I didn't want, hold me back.